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Number : 267 / DPP.FKM / IV / 2003.
Enclosure :
Subject : Informing The Waving of The UN Flag to Accompany The RMS Flag Benang Raja / King’s Thread.
Your Honorable,
Mr. Koffi Annan
The United Nations Secretary General
New York.
Dear Sir,
For commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of South Moluccas, April 25, 2003, that Front Kedaulatan Maluku (Moluccas Sovereignty Front) would raise the flag of the Republic of Moluccas, Benag Raja, as a manifestation of the struggle that really counts on morality and democracy.
For this objective we shall raise the flag of the United Nations as to honour and also to request the UN to seriously pay any deep attention to the torment of Maluku / Alif’uru / Ina nation of West Melanesia race that is still colonized by other nation (the Unitary States of Indonesia), in which it has by any tricky deceive turns the facts up side down.
For an additional information, we shall like to say that in 2001 FKM really did an inauguration to commemorate the 51st anniversary of independence by raising the Benang Raja flag, the UN flag, and Indonesian flag. After being raised for a while these flags were taken down by the police and they took them.
Therefore, in this year we really request for any serious attention and preventive action of the United Nations in order to keep the flags raised in the air and may not be taken down by any persons, for the raising of the flag really reflects the desire and commitment of a nation in fighting for the right peacefully and morally.
We are humbly looking forward to having any serious attention and follow up performed by Your Honorable for the case of Maluku.
We shall like to express our sincere gratitude.
Our prayer and salute.
Ambon, April 19, 2003.
Moses Tuwanakotta
Secretary - General
Dr. Alexander H. Manuputty
Executive Leader
(Be arrested at Police Headquarter, Jakarta)
Semuel Waileruny, SH
Judicial Leader
(Be arrested at Police Headquarter, Jakarta)
CC :
01. UN Security Council in New York.
02. UN De – Colonization Commission in New York.
03. Amnesty International in London.
04. The President of the USA
05. The United Kingdom Prime Minister in London.
06. Russian Prime Minister in Moscow
07. France President in Paris.
08. China Prime Minister in Beijing.
09. Vanuatu Prime Minister in Port Villa.
10. Australian Prime Minister in Canberra.
11. The Netherlands Prime Minister in Amsterdam.
12. Japan Prime Minister in Tokyo.
13. The UN Representative Maluku in Ambon.
14. The UN Representative Indonesia in Jakarta.
15. UNPO in Den Haag.
16. Pacific Island Forum in Suva, Fiji.
17. NFIP / PCRC in Suva Fiji.
18. International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs in Copenhagen, Denmark.
19. The US Congressmen in Washington DC .
20. Human Rights Protection Organization (Mrs. Philomina Turkey Imam) in Jarhkand India.
21. International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) di Copenhagen Denmark.
22. Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR), Mary Hansen in London.
23. Schulze KE (Kirsten, London School for Economics).
24. Maikel Kiwuram Kanako (Pacific indigenous forum) in Tokyo.
25. KWIA in Antwerpen - Belgium.
26. Joan Wood, Amnesty International, New Zealand.
27. Rex Rumakiek.
28. Kali Vatoko.
29. Ms. Jamie Lasimbang.
30. Ms. Mililani B. Trask.
31. Ms. Trisha Riedy.
32. Ms. Martine Sackmann.
33. Jan Victor Kaisepo.
34. David L Phillips (Consul Foreign Relationship), New York.
35. International FKM Representative.
36. The Leaders of national and international NGO.
37. The Maluku / Alif’uru people.
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